Contact Tags

Contact tags insert information for the recipient contact.

An optional default value will be inserted if the information is blank.

Important Note: The “[” and “]” (square brackets) in the contact tags define the default value element but should not be included in your email.

For example, let’s use the tag:

Hi {FIRST_NAME there},

If the contact record has the First Name as John, the message would read as:

Hi John,

If, however, the contact record does not have a First Name, then the message would read as:

Hi there,

Contact Tags

{REFERER_ID [default value]} 
{TITLE [default value]}
{FIRST_NAME [default value]}
{MIDDLE_NAME [default value]}
{LAST_NAME [default value]}
{FULL_NAME [default value]}
{COMPANY [default value]}
{DEPARTMENT [default value]}
{ADDRESS_1 [default value]}
{ADDRESS_2 [default value]}
{ADDRESS_3 [default value]}
{CITY [default value]}
{STATE [default value]}
{POSTAL_CODE [default value]}
{PHONE_NUMBER_1 [default value]}
{PHONE_NUMBER_2 [default value]}
{PHONE_NUMBER_3 [default value]}
{MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 [default value]}
{MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 [default value]}
{MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_3 [default value]}
{FAX_NUMBER_1 [default value]}
{FAX_NUMBER_2 [default value]}
{FAX_NUMBER_3 [default value]}

To insert links specific to the recipient contact:


To insert custom field information for the recipient contact:

{CUSTOM_<tag> [default value]}
  • Example #1 – {CUSTOM_hat_size}
  • Example #2 – {CUSTOM_hat_size info not available}